Hi All,
Last Wednesday, I, Nanda, Nada and Amira went to a book fair called Big Bad Wolf, a warehouse book sales with so OMG I can’t believe it so cheap price (5-12 rm and more for thick and good-looking books). The event is at MAEPS (Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang) near UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia). It will end this Sunday. For book lovers out there, beware of get lost in piles of books and unaware of time.
Enough for promotion, UPM is quite far from UM (Universiti Malaya) especially if you go by public transport. From UM, we went by KTM (Keretapi Taktentu Masa, Keretapi Tanah Melayu), from MidValley Station to Serdang Station. Everything went well until we look for taxi to reach MAEPS from KTM Serdang station. The taxi coupon counter set the fee for RM 24 from KTM Serdang to MAEPS (why so expensive?) Fortunately, we got cheaper price outside.
After arrived at MAEPS, we were amazed by the amounts of books there (and hundreds of book hunters, people even queue in front of cashiers row). We then parted to look for our preferred books genre locations. After looking into “politic”, “history”, “reference” and other genres. I just realized that most of books were in “cooking” and children” sections. Considering the book fair was a warehouse sale, “cooking” and “children” genre should be the least bought ones in previous bookstores. It is sad to know that people starts to eat outside than cook for themselves (that explains why tons of cooking books was there) and leave their children to television and other digital stuffs rather than read fairytale stories for their children (that explains why those glittery and fancy kids books made nearly a third of book piles there). Interestingly, Amira found that many comic books that wouldn’t be in Malaysia (because of its obscene picture or controversial genres) was there.
At 7 pm, we’re done buying books there, I bought 10 books for RM 88 although others bought more (looking from their bulky bags and boxes). Now, how the hell could we go home?, MAEPS was deprived from taxis at night and nearest bus stop was 3-4 km away (told by laughing security officer, perhaps because of pitying us). And…. yes… we walked for 3 KILOMETERS, the street was dark and UPM was so damn HUGE (Thanks God, UM was so small that it would not hurt your legs if you’re an avid walker). After long walk, we reached the bus stop and immediately stop a taxi in fear of missing the last KTM train to MidValley).
Okay, enough for rambling story. Enjoy the pictures 
Me. Nanda and Amira at the book fair
Panorama view of the book fairBook bought, quite many right?
Me and “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” (at RM 8)
That’s all. The book fair is open until this Sunday, just go there if you have time.